Sign Up

You’re Almost There!

If you have never registered for the online portal and you don’t know your account number or portal key – don’t despair.  Simply provide the information on this page.  Our CAMS team will check to ensure that your information matches the ownership records that we have on file, and your portal login will be emailed to you.  Please allow at least one business day to receive a reply.

Please visit our website for general information or to chat online, and find answers to many frequently asked questions HERE    

Click HERE to watch a quick guide on signing up and registering for access to the online portal.


How do I get a login?

Email or call us at (877) 672-2267. Be sure to include your name, association and property address.

How do I make a payment?

Log into the Website and click the green “Make a Payment" to the right of your Account Balance.

How do I submit a service/maintenance request or another question?

Log into the Website, select "My Items", then select "Submit a Request".